Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Path on Axe Edge Moor

Moorland path
(Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 10-24mm @ 18mm, HDR)
The Cat and Fiddle pub (yesterday's post) is the focal point of several moorland footpaths and bridleways. This path, heading south, leads over Axe Edge Moor towards Wildboarclough. I like the loop of the contrails and the icy coldness of the scene.


  1. A great shot. I believe it was made on Monday, January 16, around noon, but I would appreciate your telling the exact time of the shot, and, if possible, other EXIF data. I'm collecting images of this unusual contrail that could be seen in most of England.

    1. Extract of EXIF:
      Shooting Date/Time - 16/01/2012 13:16:09
      Tv - 1/1250
      Av - 20.0
      Exposure Comp - -1
      ISO - 200
      I have a second image which shows the contrail, taken at Errwood Reservoir at 13:51:50

  2. Thank you for the info. I have two follow-up questions.

    Was the camera clock right? By the Sun position, the estimated time of the shot is one hour earlier, about 12:10 GMT.

    Has the photo been cropped? The estimated horizontal FOV is about 65°, less than expected for 18 mm focal length.

    I would be happy to see the second image, if possible.



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